Fork in the road

11 02 2011

IT WAS much simpler when I was just making my valedictory addresses.  In elementary, I mentioned about somewhere arriving at a fork in the road.  Before 12, I had read about Robert Frost and his work and I thought I would sound just how a valedictorian should if I’d drop a paean to staying true to one’s self.  “The Road Not Taken” seemed perfect.

In high school, I put the same in my first draft.  Deciding which course to take up in college was the fork in the road.  In college, we didn’t make speeches where I graduated from.  Though I think I alluded to that fork in my farewell column in the school paper.

Now, it’s more than just an inspirational passage for me, something I would dole out in speeches or essays for dramatic effect.  Now It’s real.  And I’m staring at it, much like staring at a precipe – the precipice of change.

One slight nudge could do me in.

Life has proceeded on a steady pace since graduating from college.  I’ve managed to keep the same job.  There were high achievement years.  There were slow steady ones.  And yes, there were really low points too.  But I’ve managed to stay and keep the pace.  And the faith too.

But now, I don’t know what to do.  One slight nudge could do me in.

“Dear Fork In The Road, why appear now?  You’re shaking things up.”

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